The BC Mathematics and Physics Colloquium

Faculty of Science Division at BCC hold a regular Thursday Mathematics and Physics Colloquium at 2:30 PM.

Spring 2004 Schedule

  • April 8 Dana Updegrove will speak on "The Reductionist Fallacy in the Philosophy of Science."

  • April 15 Robert Hobbs and Brian Scott will speak on "Bringing the Millikan Oil Drop Experiment to the First Year Course: Challenges and Student Results" or "I can't believe we measured an object whose mass was a billionth of a gram."

  • April 22 Hobbs and Scott continue.

  • May 20 David Stacy will speak on "The Analysis of a Single Tone." David will be talking on some of the (many) connections between math and music, mainly the careful analysis of a single tone, and how that leads in a very natural way to the major scale we are all so familiar with, and some of the number theoretic difficulties we encounter along the way. This talk is intended to be the overview presentation of a short series of talks to be given in the fall on the same general topic.

If you wish to contact someone about these seminars send email to Larry Susanka at or call (425) 564-2484.

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