
Welcome to the Mount Si Race2004 Page - the Sixth Annual Race up one of the the gorgeous Cascade foothills - known once again, I am most pleased to announce, as "The Annual Beating of the Boy."

While thinking of a theme for "Ought Four" I turned to licence plates for inspiration. Nothing. "Live Free Or Die?" "Show Me State?" "10,000 Lakes?" Finally I came across Quebec and their old motto "Je me souviens" and it reminded me of a friend who had a big question mark tattooed on his arm. Sometimes you just don't want to be understood. In that spirit, the theme for the year is:

Not Just Yet

A number of folks voted for who they thought would win before the race. 11 thought Larry would win, while 2 favored "Unseeded Mystery Canditate."

The race this year was held in perfect temperatures with a few sun-peeks here and there, though the trail was quite wet and the summit gulley a little slow. Four runners competed (Ashley, Ian E., Paul and Larry) with two timekeepers and emergency crew, Lydia and Suzanne.

The results showed a surprise tie for first place with Ashley and Ian E. turning in a respectable 1:55:33, while newcomer Paul was second with a noble effort at 2:05:50. Larry finished with 2:13:00. Harrumph.


Suz and Paul

Lydia and Ian

Larry, Suz and Paul



Larry describes the summit gulley
to newcomers Paul and Ian


The Runners

The Victors

For those interested in going back to the overview page or to check out the results from previous (or next) years, try:

The Mount Si Race - Overview
The First Mount Si Race - 1999
The Second Mount Si Race - 2000
The Third Mount Si Race - 2001
The Fourth Mount Si Race - 2002
The Fifth Mount Si Race - 2003
The Seventh Mount Si Race - 2005

Link to my Bellevue College Page

Susanka's Front Door

I can be contacted by phone at Bellevue College at (425) 564-2484 or by e-mail at lsusanka@bellevuecollege.edu .

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